veggie soup in coconut curry broth


I’m pretty proud of this one- I literally threw it together using a bunch of random ingredients I happened to have in my kitchen (yes, I sometimes have fresh cilantro and wide rice noodles sitting around in my kitchen).  This one was pretty easy and made a delicious, light lunch, if you’re the kind of person who likes eating hot soup when it’s 100 degrees outside.  I boiled the veggies (mostly broccoli and mushrooms) in a mixture of water and vegetable broth for a few minutes.  Then, I added some light coconut milk (maybe 1/3 of a can?), way too much red curry paste (maybe 3 teaspoons?) and a small handful of wide rice noodles (they really expand when cooked),  I brought the mixture to a boil, and let it cook just a few minutes more, but not long, since the noodles get mushy fast.  The best part of this soup was the garnish- a handful of chopped cilantro, a sliced scallion, and about half of a diced jalapeno- you can obviously suit this to your tastes.  A delicious and healthy homemade soup in less than 20 minutes!

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